Sunday, April 18, 2010

the Stuff We Put in Our Mouths!

If you know me, you know I always rant about all the 'plastic' foods some people call normal groceries. Friends have criticized me:) for not buying certain things for my kid and , funniest of all, for not knowing how the drive through at the local MC D's works.

Well, for those wondering what's the big deal, natural versus artificial 'processed' food, here is some good info.
If we think about the biggest health problems and school problems, perhaps it would make sense to be more careful about what we take home from the supermarket.
Many recommended foods, like cold- pressed organic oils, The all natural sweetener STEVIA, a pure plant extract, organic nuts and seeds etc. can be mail ordered from Swansons Health Products without breaking the budget. I've been doing it for years.
Verena from

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