Sunday, March 21, 2010

No More Artificial Sweeteners!

 For years I've been hearing that those DIET sodas etc. are bad for you. But what matter, if at least they save us from getting fat, right? Wrong, and here is why:

Makes you think, doesn't it? I wonder how many of us do what I always did and try to compensate for the unhealthy "help" to our waist line -and other unhealthy habits- by taking multi vitamins and supplements for our particular problem areas. That's fine, I think. But what about this official and FDA approved "help", that is actually defeating it's own purpose?
There are natural alternatives, like extract of Stevia, the Sweet Herb. No adverse effects, no calories, no Worries! And you'll find it here at a lower price than Splenda at the store! I tried their Stevia Extract in individual Packets and it actually tasts better than any of the artificials.
Be Well,

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