Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Hello and Hurray!
Finally I got my guts up and started. I always wanted to share my thoughts about this new adventure, trying my hand/ mind at IM.
Today I had a very interesting call from a guy named Eric Stafford,or somebody that works for him. Being new at this, I filled out all kinds of online questionnaires and sign-up boxes। His must have been among them. Very polite and well trained in the art of suggestive selling, I had to compliment him.I also told him straight up that I need to make money, not pay for perhaps learning-probably in time- how he made enough to get an organisation together that would try to teach me. Couldn't deterr him though. Not even with maxed out credit cards. Coaching for a year with a price tag of $3650.00. They must be great at it , don't you think? Does anybody actually know? Anyway, it's too steep for my taste. I would really like to find out which of all these guys are actually good at teaching. Which 'systems' work? From Autocash to Pushbutton to Moneysiphon and diverse BluePrints?
I will keep you posted as I try to work my way through some of these things.
Verena from

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